Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's before midnight... totally still counts


And another quick picture...


The green skirt is new (the white ill-fitting polo shirt is stolen from another doll, a Juku Couture). Just simple circle-skirt-ish, 3 layers, base green, scavenged silk-ish cloth (actually was the lining over the styrofoam in the box of my new jewelry organizer!), then the sparkly stuff on top. The top layer is much more green in real life, the camera just isn't quite sure what to do with it right next to true evergreen.


It is pretty cute, though.

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's been awhile!

I admit I've let this wane a bit. Most of it is because I've been incredibly busy with school. I know, excuses, excuses.

Fortunately, this blog will now be full of pictures. I have my own camera! It's rather hard to motivate myself to sew when my cell phone camera (which, let's face it, is not the greatest) was the only thing I had. But now I can quite happily snap pictures all day long with my new DSLR!

With that explanation, it's time for a lot of pictures.


The first few pics were a bit hard to shoot.


...shortly after that, I discovered that the image stabilizing on my lens was still off. That helped!


A nice portrait.

Then Christmas came!


Annabel thinks this new girl has a fantastic dress, but is the worst conversationalist she's ever met. (I did try desperately to get the dress off. Unfortunately it's very much glued on. Sigh, sigh.)


But, Annabel got the tiny necklace that was supposed to be for it. HaHA!

(Christmas decorations are my mother's doing.)


Then I found...

...the pile of old Barbies from my youth. Much mischief managed.


"You mean people actually WORE this? Intentionally?"

"It was the early 90's, Annabel. It was a very, uh, different time."


"I can't believe anyone would wear this. I'm a sparkly, glittery mess. And the tights! No human being would EVER make such things..."

"Two words, Annabel: American Apparel."



"I thought you said 'nice holiday portrait', not 'try to make Annabel look like a soccer mom' portrait..."

Thursday, January 28, 2010


So, I got a lovely new doll - er, action figure - who will be introduced next post. In the mean time, have Annabel showing off that which she claimed for her own...


A new bracelet from jewelry findings


Spring's hottest fashion accessory?


Probably so.


Maybe not the chainmail though.


And you know...


I don't think the helm quite fits.

2 New Dresses

Cell phone camera pictures again... I'm pining for the SLR.





This red ruffle dress was made from the ribbon off of a Godiva chocolate assortment ($6 for a normally $25 dollar holiday gift box? I'll take it!), and a bit of a white sock. You can see a bit of one of the sites I play on in the background (hooray virtual puppies and kitties).



This is what she was photographed in earlier... it's actually 2 pieces, the skirt and then an embroidered tube dress underneath, cinched with a bit of ribbon to give it some form. A nice summery outfit, too bad summer is so far away!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Lipstick

Pining for the digital SLR, too...


I switched Annabel's lipstick around. The other - real human lipstick from E.L.F. - had nearly completely worn off, and left behind a bit of a gummy mess. So I wiped it off and went at it with a Lyra Aquacolor crayon. It's a brighter, more pinkish color and I had a lot of the same issues as before - 'aquacolor' means 'wipes right off if you try to paint the sealant over it'...

But it looks better, after 3 coats of crayon/sealant. :)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Silly comic thing...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello, Goodbye... in, Hello from Emory instead of home -

as this cell phone picture from my dorm can attest. It's cold and blustery out there but so far my classes seem to be going well!

That's the good news...

The bad news is that the good camera is at home. Tomorrow I am trooping to the library to see if they have a setup for doing digital photography, however, if not, image quality will be... well, about as good as that picture of me above.

So with the wind sort of out of my sails, pictures may be few. All as well since I need to study. If I get really desperate for detail, I'll just SCAN Annabel...

But until then - 2 pictures from when I was still at home, and more from before.


Look! She can stand up in those shoes! (shamelessly stolen from another doll...)


I don't really like that top that much but oh well.

And from before...



This gazing globe was sent off in a trade but it sure was fun to snap a few pictures of it beforehand.