Ignore the state of my coffee table, if you would... I need to make a stand, instead of propping Annabel up against my bottle of leave-in conditioner when I want her to be standing. >>;

So, this wrap skirt is another failure of making a circle skirt. But oddly, I quite like the results. I'm thinking of just making some wrap skirts (with heart-button closures) out of at least 2 more types of cloth. I have a lovely pink-green print, and a yellow print, and I'd like wrap skirts of those two, I think. I cut a template out of a paper plate and once I figured out that the arc wasn't quite right, I just went, "oh well, I'll cut out 2 pieces and join them together". Rather cute, all in all.

My first whole outfit!! I feel very accomplished. Well - no shoes - but still! Well... The Fashionista barbie brown-and-pink boots sort of go, but I'd like to make a pair of soft ones out of the brown fleece that button up with blue buttons to kinda tie the whole thing together. And I'd like for her to be wearing the cream tights from the old pair of granny panties instead of the brown tights. But still! I am very pleased.

The muff likely needs some little decoration on it, maybe one of the tiny silk roses that you can find and some ribbon along with a button or three. :)

Here's the hat, sans hair. ...It fits perfectly. But I'm going to say that it was my plan all along to leave it small so that it would sit jauntily off-kilter on top of her hair. I don't much like her with wig removed, wearing the hat.
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